Tijuana born artist Omar Juarez has been creating art for over 20 years. Recently, Omar's work has been featured on sites such as Noisey, World Star Hip Hop and Rolling Stone.
"When I was growing up I was always inspired by my older brother’s drawings. I picked up that style and took it with me to California when I moved to the United States at the age of 16. I quickly found out that Chicano Art was more than just a style. People in the U.S. viewed Chicano Art as a true and deep way of life that differed from my way of living and thinking. I continued trying new styles and creating works of art that many people admired, but it never felt like my artwork was a true expression of myself. After several years of trying different styles, I found myself going back to my roots. Today, my style is a combination of Chicano Art and classic monsters like the Wolfman. Music is another important part of my life which heavily influences my art.” -El Oms